Rules and Forms

Rules and Forms

Tasks for Students

How do I enroll?
Visit to find out about PhD application procedures.


What to do after the enrollment?
Once enrolled the PhD student must:
– choose the curriculum alongside with the tutor and co-tutor who will supervise his/her doctoral activities;
– define the research topic that will be accomplished during the PhD;
– define the plan of training activities that must be updated at the beginning of each academic year and submit the plan to the PhD Board. (→ The plan can be changed throughout the year and the modifications must be submitted to the Coordinator for approval)


How to choose your tutor?
A tutor and, at least, a co-tutor are assigned to the each PhD Student and they supervise all the training and research activities. The principal tutor belongs to the staff (full professors, associates and researchers) of the departments supporting the PhD school. 

The approval of the tutors is required for all the requests submitted by the PhD student to the PhD Board or to the Coordinator. (→ It is possible to change the tutor with the authorization of the PhD Board)

What must students do at the end of each academic year?
The admission to the subsequent year is subject to an assessment of the students’ activity. For this purpose, at the end of each year the student must:

– submit to the coordinator a brief written report on the activity carried out in the previous year;
– present and discuss his/her research activities in front of a commission specifically appointed by the PhD board;
– send to the training activities plan carried out during the year for the recognition of the credits; each plan must be accompanied by certificates of attendance, in support of what is stated therein.

What to do at the end of your PhD course?
Within 15 days of the end of the course, the PhD student must:
– submit to the Rector the application for the final exam accompanied by the authorization issued by the PhD Board;
– send to a digital copy of the thesis, accompanied by a summary in English, and a report signed by the tutor on the activities carried out during the PhD course and any publications;
– send to the two thesis evaluators, chosen by the PhD Board, a digital copy of the thesis, accompanied by a summary in English, and a report signed by the tutor on the activities carried out during the PhD course and any publications.


Once the thesis has been reviewed and the student has received the confirmation of the dissertation date from the PhD central offices, he/she should upload on the Personal Area the thesis and the evaluator’s reviews, which will be instantly available to the final committee. Indicatively, it is recommended to upload the thesis at least 20 days before the dissertation. 

For more information about the thesis defense check the following link


What to do if you want to ask for an extension of your course?
For proven reasons that do not allow the presentation of the thesis within the time-frame provided by the duration of the course, the PhD Board may grant an extension of the maximum duration of twelve months, without further financial support.
For this purpose, the student must:
– discuss with the tutor and the Coordinator the possibility to extend the duration of the course;
–  obtain the authorization from the PhD Board;
– contact the PhD Office ( by following the procedure at this link

Travel regulation (italian version)

Travels must be authorized by the tutor and the Head of the Department upon presentation of the applications on the following online form

Here you can find a quick reference.

The PhD student, with or without a scholarship, who intends to participate in a research period abroad must:

  1. Together with the tutor, fill in the Period abroad request form. The tutor sends the form to to request the authorization from the Coordinator and the PhD Board. 
    Additional obligations for PNRR doctoral fellowship holders ex MM.DD. 351-352/2022, 117-118/2023 and 629-630/2024: prior to departure, students must forward to the invitation letter from the hosting institution.
  2. Submit the authorization to the PhD Office ( and ask for 50% increase of the scholarship at the following link